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 When I was a child I liked boats and airplanes, among those I wanted to learn to fly airplanes because living next to the air force I saw airplanes passing over my house every day, but as I was growing up I began to focus on different things, although the desire has not yet gone. 

I always liked to learn a little of everything and thanks to this it cost me a lot to know what I wanted to study, but it always gave me more facility for mathematics and the arts, so I focused on four careers, one was industrial engineering, another it was computer science engineering, civil engineering and finally architecture.

 It was a very difficult decision, but in the end, I chose architecture since I was always good at making crafts and drawing, on the other hand, I had many doubts when choosing any engineering.

So far it has been a strange but new experience and at least it has gone well for me, but, although I have not had face-to-face classes and I have not met my faculty, I feel that learning would still be different since there are many distractions at home and sometimes I have a hard time paying attention or doing work.

 I would like to have a job where to create decent homes for people, since it is a big problem in this country, where people feel safe and happy, to be able to combat the housing problems of workers and also design beautiful structures that can be appreciated. around the world.


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Hello everybody my name is Gonzalo Rojas and I was born on February 25, 2002, in Santiago, I have lived here all my life, but I don't know if it will be forever because I like calmer places where there are no worries. Regarding my studies, I studied all my years in the school that I have next to my house called Colegio Agustiniano, where I found great friendships that I still have and very good moments but it was not always like that because at first, it was difficult for me to fit in, but I am happy to have studied there. And about my family, we are a normal, happy, and hardworking family. About siblings, I have a sister younger than me, with whom I get along very well although sometimes we argue, we have very similar tastes like in music, movies and like painting. And finally, regarding my hobbies, I like to do many things but mainly I like to paint scenes of Japanese animations in watercolor, at night I like to play video games with friends, before the pandemic I liked to