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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021


 When I was a child I liked boats and airplanes, among those I wanted to learn to fly airplanes because living next to the air force I saw airplanes passing over my house every day, but as I was growing up I began to focus on different things, although the desire has not yet gone.  I always liked to learn a little of everything and thanks to this it cost me a lot to know what I wanted to study, but it always gave me more facility for mathematics and the arts, so I focused on four careers, one was industrial engineering, another it was computer science engineering, civil engineering and finally architecture.  It was a very difficult decision, but in the end, I chose architecture since I was always good at making crafts and drawing, on the other hand, I had many doubts when choosing any engineering. So far it has been a strange but new experience and at least it has gone well for me, but, although I have not had face-to-face classes and I have not met my faculty, I feel that learning wou