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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021


Hello everybody my name is Gonzalo Rojas and I was born on February 25, 2002, in Santiago, I have lived here all my life, but I don't know if it will be forever because I like calmer places where there are no worries. Regarding my studies, I studied all my years in the school that I have next to my house called Colegio Agustiniano, where I found great friendships that I still have and very good moments but it was not always like that because at first, it was difficult for me to fit in, but I am happy to have studied there. And about my family, we are a normal, happy, and hardworking family. About siblings, I have a sister younger than me, with whom I get along very well although sometimes we argue, we have very similar tastes like in music, movies and like painting. And finally, regarding my hobbies, I like to do many things but mainly I like to paint scenes of Japanese animations in watercolor, at night I like to play video games with friends, before the pandemic I liked to